High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) – The Training Triangle

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)


Intermediate HIIT Routine

 Agility Warm Up x 20 Each Side

 In-Outs Left Foot First x 10

 In-Outs Right Foot First x 10

 Deep Body Weight Squats x 5

 Running Man x 10

 Deep Body Weight Squats x 5

 Triangle Shuffle x 10

 Deep Body Weight Squats x 5

 Back To Front Quick Step x 10

 Deep Body Weight Squats x 5

 2 Out 3 In Quick Step x 10

 Deep Body Weight Squats x 5

 Reverse Icky Shuffle x 10

 Deep Body Weight Squats x 5

 Defensive Crossover x 10

 Deep Body Weight Squats x 5

 Triangle Slide x 5 Each Direction

 Deep Body Weight Squats x 5

 Two Foot Hops x 10

 Squat Jumps x 5

 Single Foot Hop Right x 10

 Squat Jumps x 5

 Single Foot Hop Left x 10

 Squat Jumps x 5

 Hopscotch x 10

 Squat Jumps x 5





 Advanced HIIT Routine

 Agility Warm Up x 20 Each Side

 In-Outs Left Foot First x 20

 In-Outs Right Foot First x 20

 Deep Body Weight Squats x 10

 Running Man x 20

 Deep Body Weight Squats x 10

 Triangle Shuffle x 20

 Deep Body Weight Squats x 10

 Back To Front Quick Step x 20

 Deep Body Weight Squats x 10

 2 Out 3 In Quick Step x 20

 Single Leg Squats x 5 Each Leg

 Reverse Icky Shuffle x 20

 Single Leg Squats x 5 Each Leg

 Defensive Crossover x 20

 Single Leg Squats x 5 Each Leg

 Triangle Slide x 10 Each Direction

 Single Leg Squats x 5 Each Leg

 Two Foot Hops x 20

Squat Jumps x 10

 Single Foot Hop Right x 10

 Squat Jumps x 10

 Single Foot Hop Left x 10

 Squat Jumps x 10 

 Hopscotch x 20

 Squat Jumps x 10  

